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Archive for November 28, 2016

ORCID IDs needed in ACS, RSC publications this month

As of November 2nd, ACS publications began requiring ORCID id’s for all authors publishing with them. ACS reports that ORCIDs have already been published in several articles in both PDF and HTML formats. RSC is scheduled to require author ORCIDs as of November 30th, 2016.

For more information about ORCID and publisher requirements, please see

Please feel free to contact me with any questions about ORCID at

Archive for November 1, 2016

Lunch workshop on the Cambridge Structural Database and Data Management

The best kept secrets are right here at Rutgers. The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) has offices in Cambridge, England, and the Proteomics building on Busch campus. Co-sponsored by the CCDC and Rutgers University Libraries in New Brunswick, this workshop will present information about the Cambridge Structural Database, as well as data management best practices and data management services available through the Libraries. The second half of the presentation will be a hands-on demonstration of the uses of the CSD. Please register for one or both parts of the workshop.

Register at:

Friday, November 11th at 12:30
Library of Science and Medicine

1st floor Conference Room

12:30-2:00 Lunch, networking, and Introduction to the CSD and RUL Data Management Services
2:15-3:15 Hands on demo of the CSD. Please bring your own laptop.

Questions? Please contact me at