As part of the CIC, we are now members of HathiTrust. HathiTrust is a digital library with “..millions of books, government publications, dissertations, journals, and other published and unpublished materials. Created by a partnership of academic and research institutions, the Library offers materials digitized from collections in libraries around the world and including a wide range of languages. Titles published prior to 1923 and those that are open access or Creative Commons-licensed are available full-text. Other materials include limited-access searching.” More information is available here, HathiTrust FAQ, along with training videos.
To access HathiTrust, go to, and click on the button to log in. You will see a drop-down with a list of member institutions; select Rutgers University from the list. You will need to log in with your netID and password. You can then search full text in the search box, or by clicking the link for advanced search to search by text, title, publication year, language, or format.
To see the free chemistry content, you may want to try browsing by call number. Go to, and scroll down to call number range QD for chemistry, and click on that link. These are titles available in the public domain (i.e. published before 1923) and there are nearly 5600 of them. More are being added daily.
Also available is the HathiTrust Research Center. Members can use the Research Center for data extraction in pursuing their own research. Please see this helpful guide, Getting Started With The HathiTrust Research Center by Digital Humanities Librarian, Francesca Giannetti.
Please let me know if you have any questions- we would be happy to help.